
蜂蜜水早上喝还是晚上喝?drink Honey water morning or evening ?

The morning to drink salt water is not advocated because it may result in high blood pressure. Good morning, drink cool white open, or the elderly to drink a cup of honey water will do. Therefore, three kinds of argument put forward by Mr. Lee, in accordance with the water, honey, salt effect and the body's physiological needs, or "late morning honey water" for the good. For two reasons:

① people sleep through the night, after most of the water body has been excreted or absorbed. At this time, fasting drink a cup of honey water, can add moisture, this can increase the nutrition, for example the elderly, but also play a role in promoting defecation. While the morning light to drink salt water are not conducive to health. Because under normal circumstances, the human body is generally not a lack of sodium, if every morning to drink a cup of salt water desalination, a long time, the body's sodium content is too high, it may lead to high blood pressure, nephritis and other diseases. Only in heavy manual labor or after intense exercise, sweating too much sodium loss leading to only when necessary amount of dilute brine drink to supplement the water and electrolytes.

② bedtime drink a glass of cold water than to drink honey water more conducive to health care. Because, although honey is not a simple sugar, but sugar is still, therefore, not appropriate to drink before going to bed every night. Evening to drink a cup of cold water is necessary because some people lack drinking water during the day, evening apart from a proper cup of water to add some water, and play a refreshing, Qingyan, the role of cough, what is more important for the body are one night metabolism prepare sufficient moisture. Only the body of water sufficient metabolic activity of tissue cells can be brought into full play. In addition, after the lunch break to drink a little tea light is worth the promotion, as this will lift the greasy lunch at the time, and can be refreshing, so that afternoon to have energy to work better.

