
咳嗽不停 简单方法治疗The easiest way to keep the treatment of cough

Cough is a symptom, and can cause many diseases. Chinese medicine it is divided into internal exopathic cough and cough. For exopathic cough, Chinese medicine and hot wind, cold, heat the sub-cough. 1. Wind hot cough: fever, dry mouth pharyngodynia, cough spit thick sputum.

◇ Yuxingcao 15 grams, 6 grams leaves, mint 10 grams.取汁decoction served at 3 times daily one.

◇ mulberry leaf, chrysanthemum the lO grams, 6 grams almonds.取汁decoction served at 3 times daily one.

◇ Yuxingcao l5 grams Mahonia 10 grams, 6 grams almonds.取汁decoction served at 3 times daily one. 2. Cold cough: expectoration thin, and many headaches, stuffy nose, itchy throat body weight. Or have恶寒fever.

◇ dates go ripping out five nuclear release one small piece of ginger, then squash, baked yellow,煎水drinking.

◇ 30 grams brown sugar, ginger 3, jujube 3.取汁dressed in uniforms or decoction.

◇ perilla leaf, 10 grams each Aster. Crystal sugar 30 grams. 2 flavor before decoction, Add rock sugar, check药汁sub 3 ~ 4 times饮服. 3. Scorching cough: dry cough less sputum, dry nose and lips dry, thirsty drink hi.

◇ Maidong 10 grams, 6 grams almonds, 30 grams of fresh梨皮.取汁decoction served at 3 times daily one.

◇ Chuanbei powder 6 grams of a fresh pear, sugar 30 grams. Pear l will be left to go nuclear Add tubeimoside skin, sugar, after the consumption of steam.

◇ a persimmon, Fritillaria powder 3 grams. Persimmon incision will go nuclear, add Fritillaria powder, steamed edible.

◇ 50 grams pine nut kernels, walnut 100 grams, 25 grams cooked honey. Former Black inquiry after taste 2 cooked honey reconcile. Daily morning and evening to water冲服lO grams.

◇ North Adenophora 15 grams, 10 grams almonds. Decoction 3 times取汁hours service.

