
翻脸无情 中药毒性最大3味药Turn against the merciless taste of Chinese medicine the most 3 toxic drugs


A lot of people think that Chinese medicine mild in nature but can rest assured that taking a bold, slightly larger dose and there was no problem. However, "there will always be one-third of drugs are poison," Chinese medicine is no exception, if the misuse abuse, will have adverse reactions and even give rise to drug poisoning. Some traditional Chinese medicine should not be substantial or long-term use, such as containing cinnabar, realgar, Wu Chinese medicine, more attention should be paid.

Cinnabar Also known as cinnabar, cinnabar, Chidan, mercury sand for natural cinnabar ore, mercury content was high, has sedative镇惊, Qingxin the effect of detoxification is the history of Chinese medicine treatment of heart palpitation, insomnia drug to be one of mania. At the same time, many well-known proprietary Chinese medicines also contain cinnabar, such as the treatment of heart palpitations,怔忡not sleep soothe the nerves of Ardisia pills, Buxin Dan King; the treatment of mania, magnetic Zhu pill tinnitus; Angongniuhuang Pill treatment for stroke, such as active Dan. However, these drugs if taken over long periods of time or will digest spermatogenic, cardiovascular, urinary systems and dangerous at worst. Of mercury on the gastrointestinal mucosa has a strong irritant, acute Ardisia corrosive poisoning can cause acute gastritis, chronic cinnabar poisoning can cause upper gastrointestinal bleeding, liver damage can cause hepatomegaly, abnormal liver function. Impact on the nervous system, manifested in the scalp numbness,视物模糊, disturbed sleep, restless to say, unclear speech, irritability, timid, hallucinations, action eccentricity; the late emergence of consciousness can be indifferent, and even loss of consciousness hazy, muscle tremors, etc. disease. Impact on the cardiovascular system, can cause toxic myocarditis, arrhythmia, blood pressure dropped.

ECG ST-segment depression occurred, T wave height Tsim, etc.; serious poisoning can lead to heart failure. Impact on the urinary system, can cause renal tubular epithelial swelling, necrosis, there尿少, edema, urinary protein and red blood cells and tube-type, and even oliguria or anuria, and ultimately lead to kidney failure, uremia and death. Realgar Realgar are two major components of arsenic sulfide, arsenic disulfide event of thermal decomposition for arsenic trioxide, or arsenic. Arsenic enters the human body, it will damage some cells, respiratory enzymes, so that cell death should not get oxygen. At present, China Pharmacopoeia成方Realgar containing 26, 24 Oral agents commonly used compound preparation has Niuhuangjiedu films, Angongniuhuang Pill, Plum Point tongue Dan, Liushen Pill, Niuhuang Qingxin pills, children惊风scattered, Xiaoer Qingre films, of poisoning in children, such as casual. ]

These formulations contain realgar, substantial long-term use can cause Realgar in arsenic composition of savings, such savings would cause users to chronic poisoning, first of all, their performance are skin damage, the other can cause liver, kidney, hematopoietic system such as multiple organ damage. Aconitum Alias五毒Aconitum roots, the main production in the southwest.

Toxic components of Aconitum diterpenoid alkaloid, is one of the most toxic aconitine, as long as a few milligrams can be killed. Wu Wenjing drugs belong to Yang's goods, commonly used to treat Bi, and is often combined to Dragon, Scorpion, Centipede, pangolin, long-nosed pit viper, etc.

vespae Tongluo analgesic drugs worms. Aconitine poisoning in general after taking at 10-3 minutes with symptoms also happened in the medication immediately after or 3 days later took place. Poisoning may occur in paroxysmal convulsions, muscle rigidity, body hair hard, trismus, incontinence, breathing due to spasm and suffocate to death and then failure. The event of toxicity, should be immediately sent to hospital for emergency treatment.

