
了解常见的补血食物 Learn common food about blood

Under normal physiological conditions the body's iron comes from food: lean meat, eggs, animal liver, beans, seaweed, fungus, mushrooms and other foods rich in iron, low iron content of milk. Normal food for 10 mg of iron per day.

Human body has stored iron, have required long-term loss of iron, anemia can be found. 1 ml blood loss, iron loss of 0.5 mg. Real people every day to absorb the iron that is 1.0 ~ 1.5 mg. More vulnerable to chronic blood loss anemia.

Buxue of food containing carotene iron as the best, and some people eat vegetables that will become anemic, which is wrong, plant food, not only contains iron, carotene and other nutrients, There are advantages of digestion and absorption, and much food is very rich in iron, such as black fungus, seaweed, Nostoc, shepherd's purse, black sesame, lotus root powder .... and so on. The following is a common food Buxue Black beans in our country in ancient times has always been useful to consider eating beans, especially black beans can be blood, UFA, black beans with the cooking of it all, post-natal Silkies available乌豆cook.

Nostoc appears black hair recipes hair, hair texture than the rough and slippery, so can the blood contains iron, can also eat black hair, women can also be used post-partum Nostoc cook soup, used as a tonic. Carrot carrot carrot that is, the Japanese referred to as ginseng, containing vitamins B, C, and contain a special type of nutrients carotene, carotene on blood and very useful, so put the carrot soup, a good drink DBD. Gluten Zhuang folk food, vegetarianism and the Museum, and lo mei stalls have a supply of gluten content of iron is abundant, is a worthy advocate of delicious food. Spinach spinach, also known as turbot dishes are well-known tonic food containing carotene iron a rich spinach, so the blood can be regarded as an important food of vegetables, other foods containing iron, in the fruit with raisins, plums do, Do apricots, peaches do the most. Day Lily Day Lily greatest quantity of iron content than the U.S. are familiar with the high twenty-fold in spinach, iron-rich, others of vitamin A, B1, C, protein, fat and alkali, such as colchicine drunk nutrients and has diuretic and stomachic role .

Longan longan meat is meat longans meat, Fu meat, every summer and have fresh longan listing This is well-known civil Buxue food, because the rich content of iron but also contain vitamin A, B, glucose, sucrose, such as to treat forgetfulness, palpitations , neurasthenia of insomnia, postpartum women eat longan soup, longan rubber, longan wine like the blood is also a very good food. Salty radish radishes do do is the beneficial vegetables contain vitamin B, is extremely rich in iron is the first high-level health food, although the perennial supply of both salty and cool, eating together has a special flavor, more nutrition , apart from its iron content over all the food outside the Day Lily. Anemia medicine in the motherland is a "deficiency" areas of deficiency commonly have blood deficiency, qi deficiency, yin deficiency, yang deficiency, such as. Patients according to the severity of their illnesses, select appropriate therapeutic approach to modulating:

1) 15 grams of longan meat, red dates 3 - 5 pieces 100 grams of rice. With煮成粥, hot serving temperature. This side aizoon Spleen, tonic strong.

2) fresh sheep bones 2 kg (1000 grams), 200 grams of rice. Washed sheep bones broken beat, adding water熬汤to Java, the rice into a total of煮成粥. Medium suitable for human consumption when the transfer service, 10-m temperature for 15 days for one course of treatment. Bushen Zhuanggu this side.

3) rough rice 100 grams, 50 grams coixenolide, jujube 15. With煮成粥. When the amount of sugar consumed increases. Ziyin Buxue this side.

4) system Shouwu 60 grams, jujube 3 - 5 pieces 100 grams of rice. First system煎取Shouwu浓汁go slag, add dates and rice煮粥, will be, adequate Add brown sugar, 1再煮, II can boil. Served hot temperature. Shouwu free iron,

