
酸奶也是妇科良药?Yogurt is also a gynecological medicine?

Delicious yogurt, which can regulate gastrointestinal functions added calcium, by a lot of people love. Recently, the United States "network M.D." the author pointed out that several major benefits of yogurt, in addition to lower blood pressure, improve immunity, the rich activity of yogurt lactic acid bacteria can prevent vaginal infections, a number of gynecological diseases have a supplementary role.

The researchers let a few people with chronic Candida vaginitis in women, daily consumption of about 200 ml of yogurt lactic acid bacteria activity. A period of time, these women vaginal pH from 6.0 to 4.0 (normal value for 4.0-4.5), at the same time, these people the chance of recurrence is also significantly reduced, while those who do not have to eat that contains lactic acid bacteria activity of women do not have these changes. Analysis of consumption by the activity of lactic acid made from yogurt, will allow women to maintain the acidic vaginal secretions and thus must play the role of sterilization.

However, medical researchers have said that喝酸奶Although many benefits, but not as a method of treatment can only increase as a nutrition, enhance the resistance method. "Is sick is to first find out where the Doctor."

