
预防春困 午餐来一杯酸梅汤 Prevention OF SLPPY,lunch to a cup of 酸梅 SOUP.

  温馨提示:如果最近您也遇到类似情况,不妨多喝点酸梅汤。   酸梅汤的保健功效——解春困促消化解疲劳
  有的人可能会误以为吃多了酸梅,会产生过多的胃酸,导致胃痛。实际上酸梅是属于碱性食物,它的功用可不只是让人解解馋、当零嘴。   酸梅汤、酸梅晶超市里都能买得到。如果有时间,还可以根据自己的口味,在家自制不同风味的酸梅汤。例如用酸梅20克、甘草10克、红枣10个,加白糖适量,煮点红枣酸梅汤,可起到解渴健脾的作用。或者用绿豆100克、酸梅50克,加白糖煮成绿豆酸梅汤,能够清热解暑、生津止咳。

Cold early spring, at the turn of the course of the season, the human body must be given time to adapt to them, and on winter and spring at the handover period, we often feel tired and weak打不起精神, which is commonly known as "春困. "

Are interested in particular aspects of cerebral vascular disease, the crowd, because of vascular conditions were not good, poor circulation, cerebral ischemia, hypoxia more serious reaction春困also large and long duration. Warm Tip: If you have recently encountered a similar situation, may wish to drink酸梅汤point.

酸梅汤health effects - Solutions春困fatigue and promote digestion solution Up from the nutrient composition, the Plum in the organic acid content is very rich, such as citric acid, malic acid and so on. First of all, in particular citrate Plum, it can effectively inhibit lactic acid, and so get rid of harmful substances of vascular aging. Lactic acid content of the body are too high, people are led to an important cause of fatigue.

Therefore, when the job Stay up tired or feel the spirit, the cup of酸梅汤can play a very good pick-me-up role, so that muscle and vascular tissue revitalization. Secondly, so many acids also promote salivary gland secretion and gastric juice, not only生津止渴, go out to play when they can avoid motion sickness, or after drinking too much, played the role of hangover. Lunch every day to a cup of酸梅汤not only help to promote digestion, but also work to prevent drowsy afternoon.

Human Liver wang spring easily, even at this time should eat Plum. It will not only drop-ping Liver, spleen and stomach can also assist digestion, nourish the liver. In addition, Plum Runhou or natural medicine, moisture can get a mild inflammation of the parts of the throat to ease the pain. Some people may have a false impression of the many eating Plum, will produce excessive gastric acid, resulting in stomach pain. Plum is in fact belong to alkaline food, its function may only be解解馋, when snacks.

酸梅汤, Plum Crystal supermarkets can buy. If you have time, but also according to their own tastes, at home-made flavor酸梅汤different. For example, Plum 20 grams, 10 grams of liquorice, jujube 10, plus amount of sugar, boiled red dates酸梅汤point, could play a role Jianpi thirst. Mung beans or 100 grams, 50 grams Plum, Canada酸梅汤sugar boiled mung beans, can Qingre解暑, Sheng Jin cough.

