
止痛消肿的良药 仙人掌Swelling and pain medicine cactus


Retirement at home,闲来无事planted pots of cactus, though far from being handsome brings small thorn, but out煞是pretty yellow, and raised in the home has a certain aesthetic appeal.

A friend has also mentioned Qingrejiedu cactus, medicinal value, such as swelling and pain. But do not know true and false, no往心里去.

Later, once the back of my joints unexplained appeared fatigued, numbness, pain. Found anti-inflammatory cream, enough for a day, there is no effect.伤湿止痛膏replaced again, enough for a couple of days should not have pain. Look at the lesion, there is a slight swelling. Friends think of the cactus medicinal, try it on with the idea to cut off the balcony on a cactus, cutting the surface of the gill, cut sheet, apply mature lesion. Did not expect this not to spend money on things than plaster also spirits, not enough pain for a long time, and then deposited the day, the original swelling also disappeared. It seems that not only can be used to watch cactus, treatment is also unknown pain medicine blindly.

Comments: Qing Zhao Xuemin book "Compendium of Materia Medica theft by finding" records, cactus tasteless cold, gas line has Huoxue, clearing away heat and toxic, Xiaozhongzhitong, Jianpi Zhixie, soothe the nerves such as the efficacy of diuretic. Modern studies have confirmed that the cactus has a swelling, detoxification, only China and other functions.

Clinical will be the fresh pounded external gill go on a long-term intramuscular therapy, anti-cancer chemotherapeutic agent extravasation,火烫traumatic injuries, such as aseptic inflammation caused by swelling and pain have good results. Bacterial inflammation of the pain, regular distribution of antibiotics, some significant results.

The Act based on easy, simple and convenient, cost-effective. Because the goods have small poison of the wounds must have excitement, not enough attention to skin ulcers Office. Pain and swelling around the eyes to minimize the use of, we must use eye protection not stimulated.


